My writing projects are blossoming before me. I sit amongst a pile of papers upon which themes and short story ideas are scribbled hastily. I had a brainstorm attack between classes yesterday. I have been researching literary magazines and thought that maybe I should write more short stories and submit them like crazy, getting my name in print as often as possible.
This is a challenge that I find exciting and very fun. Writing short stories is nothing like writing novels. I find that I put in an extreme amount of detail and then have to go back and cut huge chunks in order to get the story between 1,000-500 words. The closer to 500 words I get the more I believe a lit mag will be inclined to read my work.
There's this other thing, too...
I was printed in my college magazine last spring. That sentence alone sounds pretty cool. I would like to state that I go to a community college and the magazine was printed in all black and white on regular printer paper. I submitted two stories and both were printed in the magazine. This may sound impressive, but one of my stories was put into the same issue of the magazine twice. Yeah, I'll bet they just copied and pasted emails onto Word documents, slapped on a header and footer, and stapled it to a glossy cover and called it a magazine.
That damages my confidence a little. It is pretty funny, and I'll laugh about it when I'm printed in a real literary magazine.
I'm trying so hard to be noticed by an agent. It is a constant test of will and desire to keep putting myself out there and getting zero response from people. I feel pretty invisible right now. Even as I make this blog I have yet to attract any subscribers. I'm following 60 people on Twitter, who are mostly published writers, publicists, editors, or agents. I have three followers. An intellegent writer, C. William Davis III, an old friend from my freshman year of college, and Publishing Talk. Three followers I am very fortunate to have, but still I feel like a drifting piece of dust in the cyber world of writing. I feel as though I'm shouting out to a world full of people already making conversations, and I'm not in any of them.
My love for writing is something that can never be discouraged or ignored. I know that, even if no one in the world reads what I write, I will continue to put my ideas out there proudly. I love my work, even if I'm the only one. For now :)
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